Picture Management
Convert HEIC to JPG
magick mogrify -format JPG *.HEIC
I organize my pictures into folders named with the date and event such as "2009-12-05 Snow in Chattanooga" for example. This helps with sorting. I have also started using a year folder to reduce the number of albums in a single folder.
Rename iPhone Edited Files
If a file is edited on the iPhone, then an E is added to the filename after the IMG_. I would prefer to have the E at the end of the filename so that edits show up next to originals when going through pictures. A friend created this PowerShell script to automate the renaming:
Get-ChildItem -Path . -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Include IMG_E* | ForEach-Object { If ($_.Extension -eq ".HEIC") { $NewName = $_.Name -Replace "IMG_E(.*?).HEIC", "IMG_`$1E.heic" Write-Host "Renaming '$_' to '$NewName'" Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $NewName } If ($_.Extension -eq ".JPG") { $NewName = $_.Name -Replace "IMG_E(.*?).JPG", "IMG_`$1E.jpg" Write-Host "Renaming '$_' to '$NewName'" Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $NewName } If ($_.Extension -eq ".MOV") { $NewName = $_.Name -Replace "IMG_E(.*?).MOV", "IMG_`$1E.mov" Write-Host "Renaming '$_' to '$NewName'" Rename-Item -Path $_.FullName -NewName $NewName } }
Allow One Specific Unsigned Script to Run
UnBlock-file -path .\E-Renamer.ps1
Rotation batch file
(No longer relevant)
Before moving pictures to a folder I first automatically rotate them using this batch file:
jhead -autorot *.jpg
The batch file requires jhead.exe and jpegtran.exe which are both free (see Free_Tools#Graphics for download links).
Resize and remove thumbs.db
I also upload pictures to my online gallery (UPDATE: I now upload the full resolution photos to SmugMug which retains the full quality images for me instead of resizing them). In order to save time and server side resources, I used to use the following batch file to automatically remove all the thumbs.db files and resize the images to a resolution of 1600 on the longest side. I first copied any albums that I wanted to upload into a "to upload" folder where this batch file resides. The batch file does modify the files so I made sure to keep another copy of the high quality images elsewhere.
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a:d 2^>NUL') do attrib -s -h "%%a\Thumbs.db" for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a:d 2^>NUL') do del "%%a\Thumbs.db" for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /a:d 2^>NUL') do "c:\program files\ImageMagick-6.5.0-Q16\mogrify" -resize 1600x1600 "%%a"\*.*
Online Photo Sharing
After using a few free services that eventually went away I then used my own installation of Gallery for several years. I then migrated to SmugMug due to a number of factors which are listed on my SmugMug page.
I store my photos locally on a Synology network attached drive with 2 drives configured in mirrored mode. I also upload my pictures to SmugMug and they keep the original image files online where I could retrieve them if the local drive failed. I used to burn CDs and then DVDs regularly but with higher resolution pictures this has become harder to keep up with.
Displaying pictures on a web page or within a blog article
Use html spans to float pictures left and right with captions in a block of text
For reference here is the related CSS that I use:
.float-left { float:left; text-align:center; margin:10px 10px 10px 0px; border:1px solid #999; } .float-right { float:right; text-align:center; margin:10px 0px 10px 10px; border:1px solid #999; }
I then use the following syntax to display an image:
<span class="float-right"><img src="image.jpg" width="400" height="300"><br />Mojave Preserve</span>
Evenly insert spans into a text block using a script
I use the following steps to insert a number of smaller pictures into a block of text for posting on a web site.
- Rename files as needed
- Add exif dates to any files that don't have them using
- Upload pictures to folder containing the script below
- Upload the text document and name it update.txt
- Resize all pics to a 400 pixels on the long side using mogrify
mogrify -resize 400x400 *.jpg
- run
php addpics.php > update_with_pics.txt
- fill in the captions
Script to insert pics:
<?php /* Written by: Andrew Porter Date: 4/16/2008 Description: This script will take a text file and insert spans for each JPG in the current directory. It will evenly space the pictures within the text using the height of each picture and the total number of characters in the text file. It will insert the pictures in chronological order using the date the pictures were taken as stored in the exif data. Updated 5/22/2021 -Switched from using exiflist (third party tool) to exif_read_data built in function. -Fixed logic bug when calling stristr function (parameters were backwards). */ $filename="update.txt"; $img_folder="./"; //create list of images in the current folder $imglist=''; $imgs = dir($img_folder); while ($file = $imgs->read()) { if (stristr($file, "jpg")) $imglist .= "$file "; } closedir($imgs->handle); //clean up image list and get number of images in the list $imglist = explode(" ", $imglist); array_pop($imglist); $num_images = sizeof($imglist); //initialize variables $total_height=0; //get width, height and date taken for each image and store in a new 2 dimensional array foreach($imglist as $element => $image) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($image); $total_height += $height; $exif_data = exif_read_data ($image); $time_taken = $exif_data['DateTimeOriginal']; $dated_images[] = array($time_taken,$image,$width,$height,$attr); } //sort the new array by date taken sort($dated_images); //read text file and get number of characters $text=file_get_contents($filename); $characters=strlen($text); //initialize variables $cumalative_height=0; //loop through the new array and add text blocks of calculated length from the text file to each array element foreach ($dated_images as $element => $image) { $position = $next_position; $cumalative_height += $image[3]; $next_position = round(($cumalative_height / $total_height) * $characters); $length = $next_position - $position; $dated_images[$element][5] = substr($text, $position, $length); $dated_images[$element][6] = $position; $dated_images[$element][7] = $next_position; $dated_images[$element][8] = $length; $attr = $dated_images[$element][4]; if (($element%2)) { $attr = "<span class=\"float-left\"><img src=\"/images/$image[1]\" $attr><br />caption</span>"; } else { $attr = "<span class=\"float-right\"><img src=\"/images/$image[1]\" $attr><br />caption</span>"; } $dated_images[$element][4] = $attr; } //uncomment to print entire array for debugging #print_r($dated_images); //loop through the array and output the text with spans inserted foreach ($dated_images as $image) { echo "$image[4]$image[5]"; } ?>